Thursday, April 30, 2009

This is Mr. and Mrs. L who are going with the Juniors on the trip. We are renting 2 mini-vans to drive from the airport to the historical sites and the Hotels...mrs. l

my name is jesse and my teacher wants me to put this down soo....the funny thing about it is that my teacher mr l. always says were going back east, but how can we go back east if we have never been east? im a member of the colville tribe and i just found out that there were 23 members of the colville tribe who went to the carlisle indian school and im interested in finding out which members went to that school. im also very interested in goin to see ground zero.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Junior's Trip East

We are creating this blog for our trip to the Eastern part of the United States. The Juniors at Inchelium High School planed a trip to visit historical sites that they studied about in AP US History. The class raised money selling food at ball games, putting on Bingo events and car washes. The Juniors also asked for and received grant money. Thank you so much to JOM, TANF, CART, and Colville Confederated Tribe.