Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The first day on our trip we flew into Baltimore and didn't really do much of anything except eat and then went to the motel and chilled in our rooms. the second day we went to Gettysburg and Anteitem which was pretty sweet cause we got to stand on major battle fields where a bunch of soldiers lost their lives. The day after that we went to the Carlisle Indian School and that was a sweet experience for me because I was interested in going there and learning more about it. I learned about a Colville member that played football with Jim Thorpe and I also learned a lot about Jim Thorpe. Before we went to the Carlisle Indian school we went into Harper's ferry so we could say we went into West Virgina. That night we went into New York and got our rooms and ate and went to an off Broadway show called "The Toxic Avenger". That all yesterday, and today we went to ground zero and then we went to the American Indian museum. I didn't really like the museum though. I was hoping it would be better than it really was. Then Mr Lang got us some tickets to go on a taxi boat and got a little tour and got some good pics of the statue of liberty. Then one half of the group went to another museum and the other half went back to the motel. Each group ate and met up later and everyone got time to go shopping and get souvenirs for family and friends. Now were all in our rooms getting our things ready for tomorrow. I'm having fun so far and I plan on coming back to New York. Jesse
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1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... If I did not know what sweethearts you guys really are, your demeanor shown in this photo would cause me to walk a wide circle around you. Is it because you are in New York? (Just kidding.)
