Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm sorry this pic really I and the guys woke up to Mrs. L. banging on the door. We woke up got ready and ate breakfast. I left my cell phone on the table but I got it back. We got to the metro station and caught a train to the Washington monument. We went from there to the Abe Lincoln memorial that was pretty cool. It wasn't as big as I thought it was. Anyways after that we went to Vietnam war memorial and found Kathy D's uncle and we also found my favorite teacher Mr. Herg's uncle. Sorry about the loss sir. After that we went to check out the White House which you can tell by the picture. After seeing the White House we went to the SmithsonianMuseum of American History and I spent most of my time there in the American wars floor which had some very cool things. My personal favorite was they had these two pieces of metal from the 70th floor of one of the two twin towers and a melted cone from one of the planes. After that we were on our way to the Holocaust museum which really made me feel bad because there wuz so many things there that these thoughts in your head about what the Jewish people went through. For example they had this area full of shoes from concentration camps and they had these video displays that showed a lot of graphic footage of dead Jews and children it was just horrible. It was a fun and educational day. DALLAS
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1 comment:

  1. You really packed a bunch in today. These are all the places I would love to see.
