Monday, May 11, 2009

This morning I woke up to the delightful sound of Mr. Lang pounding on my door a 7:45am. Once everyone was ready to go, we headed to the Carlisle Military base and toured the remains of what used to be The Carlisle Indian School. The site was really interesting and our tour guide knew a lot about the history of the School. The most interesting part to me was the information about all star athlete Jim Thorpe. Once the tour was over, we hit the road. This time our destination was THE BIG APPLE. We drove through Pennsylvania and New Jersey before we finally arrived to New York City. It was about 5:00 o'clock when we entered the the city limits which meant one thing..........RUSH HOUR!!!! Once we made it through the hectic traffic and the endless waves of people, we settled into our motel and we walked through Manhattan to catch an Off-Broadway show called "The Toxic Avenger". The show was very entertaining and funny. Tony
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1 comment:

  1. Wow, Tony smiling in a picture. I'm shocked! (Just kidding, nice report and good picture.)
