Wednesday, May 13, 2009

These are our vans. They drive like a dream and hold all of our stuff, although with all the buying going on I do not know how long that will be true. The white one has New Hampshire plates and the tan one has Texas plates so we call them the north and the south and make civil war jokes about them. Today we made it through Manhattan traffic, Linclon tunnel, New Jersy turnpike, Pensylvania turnpike, traffic in Philadelphia and Baltimore, and the Washington beltway. We are safe in our hotel room in DC. Mrs. L.
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  1. SueDean,
    I am so impressed with the challenging driving courses you and Dan have taken!

  2. How ironic.. north and south vans. I have a good friend in Philadelphia. He was wondering why you did not stop there. I will have to let him know you at least experienced their turnpike.

  3. You and Mr. Lang are amazing for being able to drive in all that traffic, in new unknown places with teenagers!
